Independent Fundamental Baptist Preaching

This site is dedicated to providing Independent Fundamental Baptist Preaching.
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Although there are multiple sites providing sermons of Dr. Hyles, this site offers podcast and is easily searchable based on sermon title, date, service, preacher and scripture reference. I do not want Bro. Hyles sermons to disappear to the next generation.  Great time has been devoted to standardize the sermon file names and id3 tags while providing the best audio quality possible.  Just as Dr. Hyles stated publicly on many occasions, these sermons are freely available to anyone.  You may download and distribute these sermons.

I still have at least 400 more sermons to post of Dr. Hyles. If there are additional sermons you would like to see, please let me know through the contact page.

Click on the sermon title if you wish to download or see all of the scripture references for that sermon.

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Sermons (2015)

Don't Cut The Ropes
Acts 27:29-32
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on February 4, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
Subject To Like Passions
Acts 14:14-15
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on February 4, 2018 (Sunday Morning).
You Are Important to God
1 Peter 5:7
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on January 28, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
The Prodigal Came To Himself
Luke 15:11-24
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on January 28, 2018 (Sunday Morning).
Destructive Behaviors - Covetouness (Lesson #21)
Psalm 37:4
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on January 24, 2018 (Wednesday Evening).
Rejecting His Spirit
Matthew 3:13-17
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on January 21, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
The Battle Ground Of Our Mind
Matthew 4:1-11
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on January 21, 2018 (Sunday Morning).
Destructive Behaviors - Backsliding (Lesson #20)
Isaiah 1:4-7
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on January 17, 2018 (Wednesday Evening).
Destructive Behaviors - Wrong Production Philosophy (Lesson #19)
Daniel 3:20-25
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on January 10, 2018 (Wednesday Evening).
That My House May Be Filled
Luke 14:22-27
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on January 7, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
Spiritual Resolutions
Psalm 33:1-5
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on January 7, 2018 (Sunday Morning).
Destructive Behaviors - Not Heeding God's Repetitive Warnings (Lesson #18)
Proverbs 1:23-27
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on January 3, 2018 (Wednesday Evening).
Repetition Is The Key To Learning
Revelation 2:7
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on December 31, 2017 (Sunday Evening).
Keep Your Eyes On Jesus In 2018
Luke 4:17-20
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on December 31, 2017 (Sunday Morning).
Destructive Behaviors - Fighting God (Lesson #17)
1 Chronicles 29:10-13
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on December 27, 2017 (Wednesday Evening).
The Greatest Gift
John 3:16
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on December 24, 2017 (Sunday Evening).
Biblical Guideline For Receiving Gifts
Acts 20:32-35
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on December 24, 2017 (Sunday Morning).
Destructive Behaviors - Professing Salvation But Not Possessing Salvation (Lesson #16)
Matthew 7:21-23
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on December 20, 2017 (Wednesday Evening).
Until Christ Be Formed In You
Matthew 1:18-25
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on December 17, 2017 (Sunday Evening).
Great Waster or Be Like A Pig
Luke 15:11-18
Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on December 17, 2017 (Sunday Morning).

Owens Publications Dr Jeff Owens Dr Jack Hyles Jack Hyles sermons